Simple Accounting System for Small Business

This fully integrated SME accounting system has been awarded Microsoft Membership!

FiGG’s accounting systems in eXcel were created by accountant and turn-around specialist, Gail Emmerick, is South Africa’s No1 simple accounting system for small business. This brilliant, fully integrated, small business accounting system in Excel is simple, affordable, and totally user friendly for SME owners and start-up entrepreneurs alike! Its name is FiGG, and yes, in keeping with figs being the fruits of the Gods, this system is simply heavenly because it takes away all your accounting nightmares and financial management headaches.

Know and remember this: once you have used this intuitive, integrated solution, that gives SME owners they ever need (and more!) in the way of financial views, management information and proper fiscal reporting, you will understand why it is South Africa’s most simple accounting system for small business. If your financial accounting needs are complex and require bespoke reporting, Gail will customise your FiGG solution to deliver exactly what it is that you need.

FiGGs unique value proposition (UVP) for small business is this:

There are only two moments when South African SME owners totally panic and literally break out into a cold sweat about their financial management and fiscal reporting:

  • A: When SARS wants to know what they have been up to and call for their financials! Panic!
  • B: When they need a BANK LOAN and the Bank asks for detailed financials! Cold sweat!

With the pressure now on them in a massive way, they panic and because their financial management is usually a mess, they end up having to pay massive professional fees to accountants who must then urgently sort this mess. The rushed job is often full of holes and can to the skilled eye, leave much to be desired.

What you as a small business owner and entrepreneur need to know and remember is simply this: all this pain and unnecessary expense could have been easily avoided if things had been done right from the word go. Also, it is never too late to get started, to get your business finances in order.

Instead of waiting for crisis moments like this to strike, you can choose to be proactive. Get started right away with FiGG, the No1 simple accounting system for small business, and take charge of the financial management through FiGG’s fully integrated suite.

Turn your pain into gain with FiGG by doing just these 5 simple things:

  1. Buy the FiGG small business accounting system in Excel.
  2. Download your bank statements into CSV format.
  3. Upload your bank statements into the user-friendly FiGG System.
  4. Just 2 Clicks are needed…
  5. Click 1: Choose which account the transaction goes to.
  6. Click 2: Choose the correct VAT option.
  7. FiGG automatically does your VAT Return, Income Statement, Trial Balance and Balance Sheet.

Develop the great habit of being a responsible small business owner. Let FiGG automatically make all your small business accounting headaches and reporting nightmares disappear, automagically!

simple accounting system for small business, BDA, Best Digital Agency, Suzanne Styles, Gail Emmerick, small business accounting system in Excel, FiGG accounting sytems in eXcel

Basic Excel knowledge is all you need…

Do not be scared if you do not know Excel or only have a basic knowledge of how it works. What makes this system magical, is all the formulas are automated. Drill down options for describing your transactions are available and so all you need to do, is choose what descriptor fits best! The best news ever is that even with no accounting experience you will still be able to extract maximum value from the FiGG simple accounting for small business system!

See exactly where your money is going…

With our small business accounting system in Excel, you will see exactly where you are spending your money, and this helps you to set proper goals for your budget. The secret of sustained SME success is good accounting practices and understanding your cashflow. FiGG’s automated templates work out all the figures you need to know and understand. By tracking any financial mismanagement that may be happening in your business, you can take proactive actions to remedy this. This saves you money and puts you first. Our system really ensures that you are in complete control of your cash flow. Our system is suitable for companies that are VAT registered as well as those not registered.

You are getting real value for money…

As a small business accounting system in Excel, FiGG, is fully automated. You are getting exceptional value for your money because minimal data entry is required for financial views that give you maximum financial insight. output. You upload your bank statements, choose a description of the transaction from our comprehensive chart of accounts which are fully customisable. Your trial balance, income statements and balance sheet, gets automatically generated. No mess, no fuss and in a flash, you have brilliant fiscal optics of your entrepreneurial venture.

simple accounting system for small business, BDA, Best Digital Agency, Suzanne Styles, Gail Emmerick, small business accounting system in Excel, FiGG accounting sytems in eXcel

About Gail Emmerick the creator of the No1 simple accounting system for small business

FiGG Excel Accounting Solutions was founded based on demand for the skills of the owner Gail Meryl Emmerick. She obtained her accounting degree qualifying as top student at the University of Pretoria. SARS, which was then know and The Receiver of Revenue approached her to work for them after qualifying which she accepted.  Within a couple of months Gail was promoted to an inspector.  The first female inspector in the country. After learning all she wanted to learn at SARS she moved on to the Private Sector.  Once in the Private Sector, at the age of 25 Gail became known as an accountant who found everything that was going wrong in your business and implemented solutions to fix it.

By the age of 27 Gail started her own business turnaround firm and by word of mouth only, she would work for any 3 Medium to Large companies at a time.  Many of these companies would be repeat clients when they required a project leader due to rapid growth, mergers and acquisitions or wished to implement new systems.  Fraud investigations also soon became part of her portfolio of services.

Many of these clients would have sales and marketing orientated managers, who would leave the company to start their own small businesses and they would ask Gail to help them. She had been exposed to every accounting system known to mankind and she was so frustrated that not one of them gave her everything she believed a business owner needs to manage their business quickly and simply. As such, Gail then formed FiGG Excel Accounting Solutions, a simple accounting system for small business, to recruit people for the new clients and do all the Registrations at CIPC, SARS, Labour etc.  She would train them on their admin procedures and prepare their monthly management accounts, Annual Financial Statements and Submit their Income Tax etc.

By 2010, 20 years later, FiGG had so many clients that Gail decided to no longer offer her services as Business Turnaround service to the larger companies, but to focus on her small business clients. By this time, Gail had designed and developed dozens if not hundreds of unbelievable magical Excel reports and ways to calculate easily and quickly everything any entrepreneur will ever need to monitor, manage, and control their business.  If you are wondering, she remained single, had no children and her work was her income, her hobby, her family, and entertainment 7 days a week.

By 2012 Gail had written a full, integrated accounting system for Small Business in Excel, the world’s most popular software and she designed over 40 million formulas in the background that requires the user to follow a simple a 1,2,3 step input to automatically deliver every report a small business owner needs.  Every user in the world is in awe of what Gail and Excel can do, even Microsoft awarded the FiGG Small business accounting system membership status after a 90-minute presentation.

The design, build, content and SEO optimisation of FiGGs website was done for Gail by The Best Digital Agency, UK.

simple accounting system for small business, BDA, Best Digital Agency, Suzanne Styles, Gail Emmerick, small business accounting system in Excel, FiGG accounting sytems in eXcel

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

simple accounting system for small business, BDA, Best Digital Agency, Suzanne Styles, Gail Emmerick, small business accounting system in Excel, FiGG accounting sytems in eXcel

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

simple accounting system for small business, BDA, Best Digital Agency, Suzanne Styles, Gail Emmerick, small business accounting system in Excel, FiGG accounting sytems in eXcel

Image by Ray Miller from Pixabay